
When we talk about CI/CD, it infers that we want to enhance our product continuously without compromising on quality. The frequency of delivery may vary from product to product. It also depends on how robust the pipeline is for CI/CD. Budget is another factor where organizations may slow down on delivery as they are not...
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However, there are still cases where traditional machine learning algorithms are significantly ahead of artificial neural networks. Particularly in the case of smaller datasets, machine learning techniques are still handsomely outperforming the deep learning approaches.
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What is Outsourcing? Outsourcing or Managed Services is the practice of contracting projects or parts of a project to an outside supplier, instead of completing them in-house. Outsourced projects are typically long-term and are viewed as a way to reduce costs while increasing capability, thus providing the company with a competitive edge in the market.
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cloud apps
For software development, cloud computing has opened the all-new horizons with all the benefits it has to offer. The game is not limited to building a state of the art software, but how it’s delivered must be the best in class process. DevOps was born out of this whole effort to increase the effectiveness of...
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home loans
Supervised learning and unsupervised learning problems. In supervised learning problems, both the actual data and the ground truth is available. The algorithms are trained using the ground truth and then evaluated on unseen data. In unsupervised learning algorithms, the ground truth is not known and based on the similarities between different features, the records are...
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These are some of the factors that will be shaping the digital marketing strategies for this year. However, there are many more new and exciting developments to look forward to as well. Let us take a look at what we think will be the biggest, most trending trends in 2019.
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The phenomenon where the customer leaves the organization is referred to as customer churn in financial terms. Identifying which customers are likely to leave the bank, in advance can help companies take measures in order to reduce customer churn.
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While they each have their own benefits and drawbacks, Agile frameworks have been growing in popularity by leaps and bounds lately. In this article, we are going to explore Agile and why it is being increasingly adopted and adapted by software developers worldwide.
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flight feels
Text classification is defined as the process of classifying textual data into one of the predefined categories. Text classification has a wide spectrum of applications ranging from sentimental analysis to ham and spam message classification.
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Machine learning
Whenever you go to the bank to deposit some cash money, the cashier places banknotes in a machine that tells whether a banknote is real or not. This is a classification problem where we are given some input data and we have to classify the input into one of the several predefined categories. Rule-based as...
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